Monday, February 15, 2016

Sit, Sip & Stitch

Sit, Sip & Stitch.  Even just saying those three little words conjures up an irresistible image of calm happiness. This time of the year with winter in full swing, nothing beats a little time on the couch with a blanket, a warm cup of tea and a stitching project.
There is something synonymous about winter and stitching.  During the winter months, Mother Nature can force you to cancel all of your plans and push you into hibernation mode. For a person full of to do lists and a busy schedule, this can be quite frustrating but so very necessary. Similarly, working on a hand stitched project is a slow process. There are no shortcuts to make it happen any faster.  You have to slow down.

Today, as Mother Nature once again forced me to slow down, I resisted the urge to wallow in anxiety about the things that I knew needed to be done at work. I took my time to relax and clear my head while I did my morning meditative stitching. I reminded myself that I can not change the weather and gave myself permission to slow down.

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